Macron Show Prank Calls

The No Fry List

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The No Fry List

Welcome to another wild and wacky Mondays with Macron. Please think of sweet gentle Ron trying to cope with this very British heatwave. This week we had some really crazy complaining Karens including a man who showed up way too late to pick up his car, one lady calls Ron some horrible names, one lady really loses it when Ron tries to defend the world’s best fast food place, one lady gets a lecture about why the wait times are so long, one man gets in a lot of silly trouble for taking creep shots in the airport, we meet the man with the most American name ever, one man doesn’t understand why he actually has to show up to pick up a car, we meet a new friend called Cheesecake Carlos, one lady gets very angry about Scoby sexually harassing her and one man can’t use the online chat service because his accent is too strong. And there were lots more laughs too! Thank you to all the people that listened live on YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you very much and keep it locked to where Ron will be doing more supporter’s shows!

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