Macron Show Prank Calls



Mother F*ckers Day – 03/06/16

Mother F*ckers Day – 03/06/16 It’s Mother’s Day here in the UK so we decided to re-claim it as Mother F*cker’s Day! This special show features Macron, Dr. Charles, Train Wreck, Xyzqwa, Dangerous Devon, Mr. Good and the triumphant return of Llama! We called some complainers and did some special calls to people responding to our bogus Craigslist ads offering free cars and free horses as well as a bunch of random stuff. Don’t miss the very end where Train Wreck performed his awesome new song!


The Macron Show – 02/27/16

The Macron Show – 02/27/16 Welcome to another Macron Show! This week we are raising funds for the Prank Call Station Mixlr machine over at so please give generously if you can! This show features Macron, Train Wreck, Xyzqwa, Mr Good and Dangerous Devon. We did a handful of complainers, some incoming craigslist ad calls and some random stuff that was for sale. Oh and some Indian restaurants for Train Wreck. A lot of fun was had. Stay tuned because later in the week we will be releasing the first full length Macron Show cartoon over at so watch out for that!


The Macron Show – 02/20/16

The Macron Show – 02/20/16 This episode had so many great hosts we broke Skype several times! Hosts were Macron (of course!) Dr. Charles, Train Wreck, Xyzqwa, Dangerous Devon, JagTV, Mr. Good, Carmen Monroe, Benihana and even appearances from Lunchlady and Zax. Excuse the technical problems we had as this show literally broke the Internet with it’s awesomeness. We did complainers, Craigslist people, some restaurants and other businesses and had great fun with some of our old victims. We also managed to call a store that Jag was visiting and got him on the phone, but I won’t say any more about that! After this show finished we also debuted the brand new Macron Show animated cartoon series which you can find on this site and my YouTube channel Thank you to everyone that was involved and those that listened live.