Ray’s St Paddy’s Day Hangover Show – 03/18/19
Ray’s St Paddy’s Day Hangover Show – 03/18/19 Happy day after St Patrick’s Day everyone! To celebrate this event Macron and MCSARay attempt to call hungover complainers and get some great results! We have a lady who learns how to say Nissan properly, several problems with a sportswear store, a lady who thinks she’s talking to Ellen Degeneres, some Doordash people who aren’t getting paid and we meet the new Jeff, a Canadian gangster who isn’t happy with his perfume. We also went nuts on our favourite confused conference goers and probably did loads more stuff too. Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all the people that listened live on Mixlr and YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you very much and keep it locked to macronshow.com where Macron will be celebrating the birth of the Goddess!!