Macron Show Prank Calls


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Mondays With Macron – 09/09/19

Mondays With Macron – 09/09/19 It’s that time of the week again! This show features Macron, MCSARay, DownSouth, Smizzle and return of Dani The Prank Call Bitch! This week we got some real winners including a lady wanting a refund because she decided not to be home during a delivery, a man who’s toilet paper didn’t tear properly, a man who wanted us to call him on his stolen phone, we met a GoFundMe scammer, we fire a Wafflehouse employee and talk to a very shrill lady about her solar powered wind chimes. We also called up some Facebook live people, let Smizzy loose in the Manhole and checked in with the Sea Tac! Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all the people that listened live on Mixlr and YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you very much and keep it locked to where…

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The Return Of Mondays With Macron – 08/26/19

The Return Of Mondays With Macron – 08/26/19 That’s right the big day has arrived, it’s the return of Mondays With Macron, the classic Macron Show! From now on we will be doing Mondays With Macron every Monday at 8pm UK time, plus two extra shows every week for Patreon supporters! This crazy show featured Macron (in a suit), MCSARay, DownSouth and Smizzle and this time we spent time helping a guy fix his computer by remote desktop, helped a disabled man to fix his Xbox, convinced a lawn care customer that I was having an affair with his maid whenever he went out for the day, we met a very angry Doordash driver, a man who didn’t want to park his new pickup truck in the mud and a lady who was selling dollar store microwave steaks to the customers in her hotel! Thank you as always to our…

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Rogue Cyber Investigators – 08/23/19

Rogue Cyber Investigators – 08/23/19 Another show of ringing, sorry about that guys, these ignorant people made complaints and then decided not to answer the phone for Macron, MCSARay, DownSouth and Smizzle. Despite their rudeness we did manage to talk to a lady who’s house was infested with worms that got in her delicious crackers, a lady who burned her own furniture with a Yankee Candle, a man who refused to pay the carbon tax on his concert tickets, a lady who got scammed on Craigslist after buying a car in a parking lot, a generous banking customer who donated his whole paycheck to the Clinton foundation and for some reason the tasty cake lady from the last show kept calling many, many, times. Please take note of the important announcements about Patreon during the show (see the website for details!) Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all…

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Half-Life 3 – 08/04/19

Half-Life 3 – 08/04/19 It’s August people! To celebrate we thought it was time to get InkedGoddess back on a show, along with Macron, MCSARay, DownSouth and Smizzle. This time around we thought we’d do something a little different and Macron decided to announce the release of Half-Life 3 to the world, or more specifically a bunch of games industry people who attended E3 this year. We had some mixed results with that so we decided to move onto some complainers including a man who had problems with his Steam card (yes we told him about Half-Life 3), a man who refused to drive around a hole in a parking lot, the tragic tale of a woman who’s chicken nuggets were slightly dry, a lady who got her drink in the wrong kind of cup, a man who made no sense at all but it was something about his phone,…