Macron Show Prank Calls


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The Macron Show Christmas Spectacular 2024

The Macron Show Christmas Spectacular 2024 Merry Christmas Macron fans! We’re kicking off a whole 12 days of Macron Christmas madness with our Christmas Spectacular Mondays show 2024. This week we have a FREE show taking place in Discord that everyone is welcome to join and then we have extra shows and bonus things for our supporters all week long. On this show we call back the sour cream Karen, deal with a very angry man who really wants his Trump watch, argue with a man who really wanted his Black Friday discount TV, Ron discusses dietary requirements with a string cheese eater, one guy refuses to be a man and beat up a restaurant owner, we meet a super tough ticket buyer who wants to fight Ron, one man didn’t get enough French fries, Ron tries to hit on a model with great taste in music and one man…

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Wet Boxes

Wet Boxes Welcome to another wild episode of Mondays With Macron. It must be the time of year because the complainers really are going nuts right now. This week Ron has to deal with an angry Banchode at a motel, a man who can’t steer a shopping cart, a man who created a complete disaster just because his boxes got wet, a man who’s wife had really terrible taste in music, a man who had even worse taste in music, a man who has some weird problem with his suppositories, a man who could not behave himself when he went to shows and a very angry man who really needed to use his Internet. And lots more too! Thank you to all the people that listened live on YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you very much and keep it locked to where Ron will be…

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Long Stay Linda

Long Stay Linda Happy Thanksgiving week everyone! We’re celebrating as usual on The Macron Show by annoying as many Karens as we possibly can during this wild few hours of entertainment. This week Ron becomes an automated AI bot, one lady is very upset about having to deal with foreign people, one man is annoyed about his missing deliveries, one man really doesn’t want to take a cruise to a war zone, one man really doesn’t want to pay for his TV mount, one man is really missing his magnets, one man is very unhappy about his long term Internet outage, one man gets really mad just because he broke his phone, one man gets charged for a flat tyre and we enter into an a lengthy debate about taxes on food orders. Oh and we also invited ourselves into a bunch more video conferences for your entertainment! Thank you…

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The People In The Garage

The People In The Garage Well this was certainly the craziest Halloween show I think we’ve ever done. This week was just pure insanity. Get ready to deal a banchode with a flat tyre, a man with an obnoxious sign outside his house, Ron becomes a famous singer just to hit on someone’s wife, one man is not happy that I won’t read his notes, one lady is upset that her driver ruined her lawn and won’t let us come fix it, one man complained about his food taking a whole 20 minutes to arrive, one lady stole a screw from our fryer, one man took a whole week off work for his new shed, one man really wants us to put his exercise bike together and we had probably the longest and most epic call of the year with a lady who went shoplifting at the grocery store and…