Macron Show Prank Calls



Jeff O’Neill’s Birthday Show – 06/18/19

Jeff O’Neill’s Birthday Show – 06/18/19 Welcome to Jeff O’Neill’s birthday show! No more to say about this one, most of our listeners know about Jeff. Sit back and enjoy the revenge… Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all the people that listened live on Mixlr and YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you very much and keep it locked to where Macron will be flying back home…


Zombies From Zombieland – 06/11/19

Zombies From Zombieland – 06/11/19 Macron, MCSARay, Star and IMC return once again to tackle the world of stupid complainers. Apparently this week we are the zombies from Zombieland, which is kinda cool. This time we dealt with someone calling in to try and scam us, multiple Doordash issues, a guy who for some reason wanted to be paid for working on our trailers, an angry man who did not want me going to the bathroom in his storage locker, we had many many silly complaints about food, a man who refused to drive 12 hours just to clean the mess he left in our toilets and we also had a conversation with IMC’s cleaning lady! Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all the people that listened live on Mixlr and YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you very much and keep it locked to…


Echoes Of Future Past – 04/28/19

Echoes Of Future Past – 04/28/19 Welcome to a rare Sunday show where this time Macron, InkedGoddess, MCSARay, IMC and Banarof tackle some really wacky and zany characters including a man who can’t decide if he’s using our dating app to find a man or a woman, a man who spent thousands of dollars on his lemon truck, another poor woman fooled by the Ellen scam, a lady who ordered dildos and brain pills from Wish, a couple who don’t want to fill in their own potholes at the BBQ place, a man who wants to advertise Dr Pepper on his car and loads more. We got some crazy angry reactions this time, especially with the instant soundboard trick. We also disrupted a few conferences again. Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all the people that listened live on Mixlr and YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast….


The Vegan Egg – 03/26/19

The Vegan Egg – 03/26/19 This epic show features Macron, MCSARay with guest appearances from Leah, IMC, Banarof, Down South, Lhite Wines and the rest of the crazy Discord people as well as Jeff himself! This time we deal with a lady and her vegan egg requests, an old lady who purchased a large pink afro, a lady who’s new couch wasn’t quite perfect enough for her incredible apartment, a man who had to endure the horror of a 15 minute wait at Taco Bell and a bunch more silly complainers, and we also invade a load of conferences with THE FLY and a whole lot of broken glass. We also premiered a new song featuring Jeff! Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all the people that listened live on Mixlr and YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you very much and keep it locked…