Macron Show Prank Calls

Donald Trump


Ronald Trump’s Halloween Massacre – 10/29/16

Ronald Trump’s Halloween Massacre – 10/29/16 This show features Macron and Dr. Charles celebrating Halloween together obviously dressed as Donald Trump. We call a bunch of potential Trump supporters, attempt to deal with some complainers, including a few old classics, and we eventually move on to some hotel related mayhem. This was just one of those shows where nobody wanted to pick up. We called a bunch of old people at a gated community and not a single one answered. We did still manage to have lots of laughs including getting a hotel customer to take the telephone breathalyser test which is always great. Please keep sharing and supporting as we have lots of plans for the future. Lots of love to everyone that donated and listened to the show live. Oh and I apologise in advance for the poor quality of my sound, it appears after all these…