The Day The Complaints Died – 08/08/18
The Day The Complaints Died – 08/08/18 A somber day indeed Macron fans 🙁 The title of this show comes from the fact that as of today a certain site where we have been harvesting our famous complainers from them has finally added some security to their site and patched a few flaws that were enabling us to really go nuts with getting complainers. This is a big problem indeed but we had all talked about it happening and we are already making plans, but worry not as the shows will continue regardless, we will always find a way! This show featured Macron, Chumley, Chimbles and our new host Gaspian (from Caspiar). We still managed to deal with a whole bunch of complainers anyway but we also made some Craigslist calls, some hotel calls and caused mayhem with some conferences with some great results. We even got in a lengthy…