Macron Show Prank Calls


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Those Dogs Are My Children

Those Dogs Are My Children Welcome to another spectacular Mondays With Macron in which we have none stop awesome complainer calls all night. This time we meet a lady who doesn’t want to sign up to a monthly cancellation service, a guy who doesn’t know his son is Tyrone, a man who doesn’t know how to make fire, a lady who’s cruise got cancelled for some reason or another, a lady who got real mad about which seat she sat in on the plane and an entire apartment building who objected to having now power for 6 weeks. You just can’t please people these days. There were so many great calls in this show we hope you enjoy them as much as we did! If you watch the show on YouTube please be sure to smash the new JOIN button that’s up there now! Thank you as always to our…

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Paula Hole’s Bag of Genuine Super-Real 1000% Authentic Syphilis

Paula Hole’s Bag of Genuine Super-Real 1000% Authentic Syphilis This is what happens when we let Munch name the show. Welcome to the last Mondays With Macron of 2020, and thank goodness. This show is full of surprises including an almost full Carpel face reveal, make sure you’re on Patreon to see the whole thing. To see out this god awful year we deal with a lady who for some reason did not want to be repeatedly charged for talking to us, a man with a defective blower, a lady who could just never shut up, a woman who simply did not wish to pay for shipping, a social media user goes crazy on a plane and munch manages to cure someone of Lupus simply by being rude to them, and a whole lot more! If you watch the show on YouTube please be sure to smash the new JOIN…

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Seven In this magnificent little show we meet a whole cast of zany characters and it’s pretty much none stop red hot complainer action from start to finish! This time there’s a lady who insists on getting her seven, Tyrone steals someone’s return labels, we meet a lady who finds out the sordid truth about her ex husband and the gay bars through a customer service complaint, a lady who really does not want to fly to North Korea, a man who wishes to complain about something Donald Trump said, a lady who’s husband bought her a really crappy watch and we cause real trouble at Macy’s and lots lots more. If you watch the show on YouTube please be sure to smash the new JOIN button that’s up there now! Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all the people that listened live on YouTube and everyone checking…

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Rally’s Gone Wild

Rally’s Gone Wild Hi everyone and thanks for being here for another exciting Mondays With Macron. This time around Ron is in a FOUL mood and is not taking any crap from anyone. You might want to ask the children to leave the room for this one as Ron’s language could strip the paint off the walls this week. This show gets it’s title from a lady who did not approve of the staff at Rallys smoking weed, we also met a man who swore to track us down even though he couldn’t fix his own refrigerator, we meet the man with the lowest credit rating in the world, we donate some more refunds to Donald Trump, we try to make a man sing for a free Spotify account, Tyrone gets some blue jeans and Ron manages to traumatise a whole bunch of people who were whining too much, and…