Macron Show Prank Calls



Return Of The Mac – 06/11/16

Return Of The Mac –  06/11/16 After a short break Macron returns with his usual blend of comedy and mayhem. This show features Macron, Dmitri, Asthma, JagTV and Gloria! In this episode we call a whole bunch of random Craigslist people, we attempt and very much fail to call several Twitter complainers, we call up some Circle K stores to do the monthly customer survey (with some great results!) and we cause chaos at some hotels. Sorry for the delay in shows folks but Macron will be back on schedule with even more shows than ever before from now on! Thank you to for being our show sponsor and keep checking for more great shows!


The Macron Show – 05/14/16

The Macron Show – 05/14/16 Crazy long show this time! Thank you to everyone that donated recently and allowed me to upgrade the Mixlr machine for longer and higher audio quality shows! This show features Macron, Dr. Charles, Llama, Carbon, Asthma, Marvici and Devon. On this show we do some good old classic Twitter complainer calls, we had an epic game of Craigslist Roulette and caused mayhem at a long stay hotel, featuring British Fred. Many thanks to Darkstranger and Dr. Punchy for sending in some great numbers, and to everyone that was involved and listened live on Mixlr. This show also features the first use of my brad new intro song created by Mr. Frank Marvici of Marvici’s Madhouse, I love it very much so thank you sir. Keep it locked to for lots more fun!


The Macron Show – Trouble At The Bridge Club – 04/30/16

The Macron Show – Trouble At The Bridge Club – 04/30/16 In this show we decided to call back some members of the infamous bridge club we have been calling for the past couple of weeks, since they decided to remove their online roster due to “fraudulent phone calls” and my buddy Asthma had the foresight  to grab all their numbers first. Joined by Asthma himself as well as Mr. Llama we had great fun calling them all back and messing with them some more. At one point we even managed to disrupt some bridge games in progress and got yelled at by the club manager several times. Don’t miss the now infamous burger and hotdog funny name calls, I don’t remember laughing so much during a show for some time. We also managed to throw in a few classic complainer calls too. This was a fantastic show and some…