Macron Show Prank Calls

Stupid Ray’s Idiot Birthday – 05/30/20

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Stupid Ray’s Idiot Birthday – 05/30/20

It’s stupid Ray’s birthday everyone yay! We decided to get together once again, get drunk, make fun of Ray, do some calls. You know the kinda thing. This time we let Ray be Tyrone again, got Kevin to sing happy birthday, failed to get Jeff or the Sea Tac to sing anything and handled a whole bunch of complainers. Then when everyone stopped talking to us we played Sea Of Thieves until we all passed out. I left the Sea Of Thieves audio attached to the end of this podcast even though it’s just mostly us being drunk and talking it still should go in here. We’ll be back on Monday all sober and ready for action, we promise! Don’t forget to get an extra 2 shows every week please subscribe to our Patreon! Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all the people that listened live on YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you very much and keep it locked to where Macron will be catching up with Patreon!

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