Macron Show Prank Calls

Save Wally

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Save Wally

Please thank Trainwreck for this awesome show name, as always you’ll just have to listen to the whole thing to figure out what the hell it’s all about. This week we focused a lot on the conference meetings as we, allegedly, received some information about them that turned out to be very useful. Don’t worry though there were still lots of angry complainers, I know you people like those. This week one man got very upset about being forced to pay for a stolen car, one man did not like his airline refund being donated to Donald Trump, one man had his connecting flight cancelled in mid-air, one lady gets a dressing down for yelling at sweet gentle Ron over her pineapple pizza and we deal with an angry trucker who wasn’t allowed to park at his favourite truck stop, and a whole lot more too! Thank you to all the people that listened live on YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you very much and keep it locked to where Ron will be doing more supporter’s shows at BuyMeACoffee!

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