Mondays With Macron – 10/14/19
Welcome to another classic Mondays With Macron live from our brand new call centre! Featuring Ron, MCSARay, DownSouth, Smizzle and 8R3N7 himself! This time we lined up a whole load more Macron complainer calls including a lady who’s husband was so large that he destroyed an entire sofa set, a man who did not like losing channels on his Comcast, a man with a blind spot who wanted to sue his valet, a cheapskate who wanted to return some books, a lady who wanted tickets to be on Ellen, a cool dude who started his own prank call channel for us and many more! We also called into some other shows live on Facebook, shut down another conference and got our special message of the day from a very special little boy! Don’t forget to get an extra 2 shows every week please subscribe to our Patreon! Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all the people that listened live on YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you very much and keep it locked to where Macron will be calling even more complainers!
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