Macron Show Prank Calls

The Macron And Dr Charles Murder Suicide Incident – 03/18/17

The Macron And Dr Charles Murder Suicide Incident – 03/18/17

Oh boy where to start with this one. This show featured Macron, Ben, Dr. Charles and David K. We started by calling our favourite racist motel owners and quickly moved on to our usual weekly batch of Twitter complainers and ended in complete tragedy. Basically the story goes that a certain airline customer named Stephen had made some very negative comments about his flight experience and Ben called up, obviously to try and resolve the situation. Things quickly took a turn for the worse when Dr. Charles proceeded to murder Macron and then committed suicide by jumping from his office window leaving the poor customer as a witness to the murder suicide and having to recount the story to Investigator David. I’ll leave you to make up your own minds about this terrible tragedy but I hope you’ll agree that the ending was hilarious. Obviously this sort of thing is bound to happen when you complain on Twitter. After we managed to calm down and Macron and Dr. Charles returned from the dead we called a few UK w*nkers and some hotel guests before calling it a night. Thanks as always to everyone involved, especially InkedGoddess for getting us awesome numbers as always and everyone that listened live on the Mixlr machine. We’ll be back again real soon with more hilarious insanity.

Readers Comments (2)

  1. Latest show is over 400mb and I only have an expensive mobile connection. I wonder if you could offer a low bandwidth OPUS format download?.
    Love the Macron Show!!!

  2. Charles Cooper Smyth, you were outstanding. What an outrageous show. Macron you are amazing how you lure people into believing anything. Love your show please keep it up and I’ll donate

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