Macron Show Prank Calls

Lowbrow Cosmetics – 08/13/19

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Lowbrow Cosmetics – 08/13/19

Tuesdays with Macron (and MCSARay and DownSouth!) and this time boy did we have some completely insane people. Let’s see; there was the lady who needed to shave her pubic hair off and and use it as eyebrows, a Rockauto customer that wanted to cancel their order after it already left, the Megabus customer who did not like her driver exposing himself, a guy who poisoned himself trying to kill roaches in his hotel room, a man who was trying to sell pornographic artwork online, a guy who got REAL mad about his son’s gym membership, a furious muffler buyer and a man who simply wasn’t able to get stoned enough, and so many more! We also disrupted some conferences, freaked out some people on Facebook live and found a lady who looked just like the shrunken head from a certain movie scene! Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all the people that listened live on Mixlr and YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you very much and keep it locked to where Macron will be trying to get over the abuse he had to suffer tonight from these awful awful customers.

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