Hold The Squeak
In this awesome show we meet a man who has a very serious problem with a squeaky chair, and no other problems at all! We also meet a lady who has real problems verifying her identity for her insurance, a lady who can’t find her invisible package, a lady who does not want to have Amazon Prime forced upon her, a very obnoxious woman with home security problems, someone who got banned from Twitter for hate speech who we will be catching up with on our next supporter’s show, a very annoyed airline customer and a lady who smelled so bad that Uber had to charge her extra, and lots more. We also managed to confuse some more jewellery sellers and got a few extra little surprises in here too… If you watch the show on YouTube please be sure to smash the new JOIN button that’s up there now! Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all the people that listened live on YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you very much and keep it locked to macronshow.com where Macron will be starting the new month off right…
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