Macron Show Prank Calls

Ghetto Supastar

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Ghetto Supastar

Well here we go again. It’s the greatest day of the week, it’s the middle of Octember and it’s time to handle some Internet Karens as only Ron knows how. This week we come face to face with a man who got very upset about his missing bathroom delivery, a man who did not expect a budget experience when he chose a budget poor man’s airline, we make a textbook goosing by getting someone fully verified, we meet a very angry banchode who for some reason wanted her airline to pay for her missing luggage, a man who got very upset when Scoby simply borrowed his new car and then flipped it upside down on the freeway, a lady who thought she was making a very fancy purchase, Ron talks to an actual porn star and we meet a pastor who got totally freaked out by us calling. We also showed up at a HOA Zoom meeting uninvited and caused more mayhem in some random meetings. Stay tuned because we have lots more planned this week! Thank you to all the people that listened live on YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you very much and keep it locked to where Ron will be doing more supporter’s shows at BuyMeACoffee!

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