Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Complaining – 05/27/19
What a crazy show this week. The lunatics were really out for Memorial Day this year! This time Macron, MCSARay and Jeremy take on a lady who wasn’t quite happy with her turkey bacon, we meet Queen Hippolyta who genuinely believes that she was adopted by Oprah, we get a Rockauto customer who can’t decide where he lives, a man who kindly supervises himself, a crazy couple who got real angry about their daughter’s bike tyre, we have a newspaper drone that crashes into a customer’s house, we talk to a man who sounds exactly like Morgan Freeman, we have a woman who can’t decide if she bought some jewellery online and many many more great calls. Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all the people that listened live on Mixlr and YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you very much and keep it locked to where Macron will be dealing with the millions of people calling back.
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