Macron Show Prank Calls

Episode 300 – I Would Like To Uppercut You

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Episode 300 – I Would Like To Uppercut You

Welcome everyone. Believe it or not this is the 300th show that we’ve done since we started on YouTube (not the 300th podcast episode though just to be clear!) And what a week of calls we have for you. This time around Ron becomes a sophisticated AI chat bot, one lady gets mad about her package being tossed down the side of a fence, one man orders the cheapest meal ever, we meet a real first class Karen, we cause a complete meltdown for the over-eaters, one lady thinks her missing vacuum cleaner sucks, for some reason one lady doesn’t want her flight changing to a completely different day, Princess Lickmeandgo does not like her long layover, one lady does not feel fully serviced by her delivery company so we try to help with that, one lady really doesn’t want to talk about her appointment confusion and one man gets very angry and confused by the service from his airline. And lots more too! Thank you to all the people that listened live on YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you very much and keep it locked to where Ron will be doing more supporter’s shows at BuyMeACoffee!

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