Macron Show Prank Calls

Drax Vs The 49ers – 02/03/20

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Drax Vs The 49ers – 02/03/20

Another one of those shows that really got out of control for some reason. In this episode Ron, Ray, DS, Carpel, IGotMunsoned and DownSouth take on a bunch of complainers, including one guy who sure would make a great voice actor in something! We also shut off some more services for ungrateful phone customers, give out some fantastic advice about managing your online account, sort out some good delivery issues and much more. We also completely disrupt some conferences, freak out some Facebook Live people, make sweet beautiful music with Kevin and we get a very exclusive interview with Jeff’s Mom (who was lovely). Don’t forget to get an extra 2 shows every week please subscribe to our Patreon! Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all the people that listened live on YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you very much and keep it locked to where Macron will be showering off the filth.

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