Macron Show Prank Calls


Click on any of the links below to support The Macron Show. You can make a one off donation using StremElements, you can subscribe and get extra shows using BuyMeACoffee and you can send new PC games to stream via the Steam Wishlist. If you are fancy you can also send Crypto to the wallet addresses below, and if you want to send other types of Crypto just get in touch and let me know!

Bitcoin: 3F6CL3SGnbaECN5vBCYBCmM3JAYsdvgXWf
Etherium: 0x474B205Cac37069fE0e21298759774C9DB9afd64
Dogecoin: DGvYfXkAa16XvnjgkXB3XvhzAJAtE3nFo6
Shiba Inu: 0x474B205Cac37069fE0e21298759774C9DB9afd64
Cardano: Ae2tdPwUPEZ2jJQFyGdw3PSda9tWbAjujxJPGGDzD2j4s4UTXTx1GP76SDK