Macron Show Prank Calls

August 2023

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Cobbed And Reamed

Cobbed And Reamed Welcome to another wet and wild episode of Mondays With Macron. This week we’re trying out a few tricks on Zoom so this show is best viewed on the YouTube machines. Don’t worry though we still got ourselves plenty of sweet sweet complainers including a Carvana customer who had some reservations about taking a smashed up vehicle, a lady who lived in a fancy gated community and did not want the likes of Scoby getting inside, we convince a world famous YouTuber to cause mayhem at a Popeyes, one couple does not like having to check in their unruly child at the airport, we are forced to put one aggressive customer on the no fly list for being a little b*tch, one man is very bitter about his missing weekend delivery and the fact that he was hitting on Scoby and for some reason one special little…

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Atrocious Level 5 Pranks

Atrocious Level 5 Pranks Here we go with yet another weird and wacky Mondays With Macron and this week we are all about complainers. Watch in awe as sweet gentle Ron is forced to do battle with a man bitching about the WIFI on his plane, we have a heated debate with a man with a dodgy passport, a lady who could not get help with her insurance, a couple who could only get 50% of their appliances to work, a really stupid U2 fan, a man who got very confused about booking flights for his family, Ron argues with a Fox anchor, one lady does not like having to have special fat lady seats on her flight and Ron helps good old Comcast get some more customers thanks to his magic robo calls. And lots more too. Oh and maybe a couple of Zoom meetings just for good measure….

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Semen Avenue

Semen Avenue Welcome welcome welcome to another crazy Mondays With Macron. This week the complainers were sparse but boy were they on form. This week Ron is troubled by a lady who gets into an epic debate with Ron and Chumley about whether or not her apartment on the world’s most pornographic street actually exists, we argue with a lady at great length about her buying the wrong size door and then refusing our excellent services, Ron tries his very hardest to convince a Spectrum customer not to cancel, which only serves to really annoy her for some reason, we make an angry airline customer apologise and then offer to do Chumley’s laundry to make up for it, one lady gets a good laugh out of being yelled at whilst on a plane and one man can’t understand why his economy package isn’t actually moving. Ron also gets called live…

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Maybe I’m Being Dense

Maybe I’m Being Dense Well Ron is back in the UK, but only for a little while as today we announced our massive Florida meetup for Ron’s birthday! Don’t miss the big announcement on this show for details. This week sweet gentle Ron was also forced to deal with a lady who couldn’t rent a car because the staff were driving drunk in it, a very argumentative man who didn’t want to rent his home for a big discount, a man who is really not happy with the service at Amtrak, a lady who ordered important medical equipment on Amazon, Scoby hits on a real life Onlyfans model, one man gets a good laugh out of us whilst in line at the airport and on top of that we somehow managed to cause absolute chaos in a bunch of Zoom meetings! Thank you to all the people that listened live…