Macron Show Prank Calls

July 2023

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Soft Skin

Soft Skin Here we go again. Ron is still in Canada kicking asses and taking names. This week the complainers took a while to get warmed up but boy was it worth it when they did! This week we meet a lady who didn’t realise that her dryer would get hot, Ron gets to explain to one man why using a website is easier than going into a store, we meet a very angry man with a broken TV who does not want to accept our downgrade, one man really hates the environment and refuses to drive our electric car, we have to deal with yet another drunken pilot, one lady really hates her rental car smelling of weed, we meet a man who doesn’t understand how things work at soccer games and we tried but failed to roast an actual dog hater (but I will have my revenge on…

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Pubes On A Plane

Pubes On A Plane Well this show name has nothing to do with any successful call but it will make sense when you listen to the whole thing. This week Ron is in Canada eating a crazy amount of edibles just to entertain you people, so sit back and enjoy a wild show. This week Ron survives his biggest dose of edibles ever and tries to sell porn to a Paramount customer, we deal with another drunk pilot, we TRY to call a man who found pubes on his plane seat, Ron dishes out probably the biggest roasting this year to a man who pretended to be a heart surgeon for clout, we have to deny a man access to his money due to his suspicious spending habits, we meet a lady who is too lazy to walk 5 blocks to get her fat pills, we are forced to explain…

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Get Out Of The Doghouse Day

Get Out Of The Doghouse Day Something perhaps a little different this week as we try out our new Zoom meeting toy. We had a lot of fun this week, it’s a shame that despite all of our efforts we’re still not very welcome in the meetings. Go figure. Don’t worry though as there were plenty of complainers for you people including a man who was bitching lots about his appliance delivery, poor Ron gets racially abused by a man who really didn’t want an Olive Garden gift certificate, a man who was too much of a wimp to change the oil in his own rental car, a lady who tried to pull a scam to get some free food, a man who had to face the horror of being stuck in Miami and I think we also set a new record for the number of times we passed someone…

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The Hoe Moaners Association

The Hoe Moaners Association I think this is one of the best bad pun show names I’ve ever come up with and I’m sticking with it. This week we invited ourselves to some home owners association Zoom meetings, but apparently we weren’t very welcome there. Also sweet gentle Ron is forced to deal with a man threatening to sell the ATT stock that he doesn’t own, a real life banchode complaints about his flight, Ron accidentally cuts off someone’s power for a whole week, one lady demands to get it in the back door from Scoby and one lady goes full on Karen about her broken front doors, and much more too! Thank you to all the people that listened live on YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you very much and keep it locked to where Ron will be doing more supporter’s shows at BuyMeACoffee!