Macron Show Prank Calls

April 2023

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The Macronathon 2

The Macronathon 2 Well here it is. The 2023 Macronathon in full. 24 hours of the craziest prank calls ever. This year we bring you a blast from the past in the return of Chumley, AKA Joe Punk, AKA Hot Dog Mike! We also unleashed the full power of our brand new AI prank call machine on some unsuspecting folks, dealt with more complaining Karens than ever before, caused some hotel owners to have a complete breakdown over broken toilets, took over every single silly conference call that we could find, gave some hotel guests their morning wake up calls and played the ultimate game of Craigslist Roulette / the typing game. We also checked in with some classic callers from throughout the year, told some behind the scenes stories and managed to raise some money for the show and to help out a good cause. What an event this…

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The Crying Game

The Crying Game Emotions are running very high in the build up to the second Macronathon. This week poor sweet innocent Ron is forced to argue with a crazy lady who put her grill next to a plastic shed and melted it, a Ford customer who wanted his damn truck fixed, a hysterical woman who went and lost her luggage, a man who tried to slander sweet gentle Ron, a lady who couldn’t even get her courier to deliver address labels properly, a very chesty lady who for some reason insisted on showing her boobs to Ron and lady who was mad at her drugs being delivered to the wrong house. And so much more too. You will just have to listen to this whole show to catch the entire force. Don’t go anywhere either because we will be back on Friday with the prank call event of the year….

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I Did Not Poop On The Floor

I Did Not Poop On The Floor A lot of people seem to think it’s Wednesday for some reason, but it can’t be because this is Mondays With Macron! Boy do we have a whole collection of crazy for you this week. Poor sweet gentle Ron is forced to contend with a drug addled maniac raging at CVS, a lady who sold her groceries to buy crack, a crazy old timer who didn’t know how to fix his own car or use a smart phone, a couple who had a wild party in their rental property, a man who had a very strange interaction with his robot vacuum cleaner, a lady who did not get her fat girl shoes, some angry Pottery Barn customers, a man making threats at store employees, a man who was too lazy to clean his own rental car, Scoby gets into another unfortunate altercation and…

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Ronny Cochran

Ronny Cochran There was a lot of debate about what to call this show. Many thought it should be called ‘I Dropped My Monitor’ however I felt this name was much more fitting. This week Ron gets called out by a complainer who creepily Googled his name during a call, we handle a man who looked exactly like Rasputin, we meet a lady who gets very annoyed about her overweight baggage and begins calling us horrible names, we meet a lady who is raging about her fanny pack, Scoby gets sexually harassed when attempting to make a delivery, Scoby also gets in another terrible accident whilst innocently trying to maker his deliveries, we meet a very angry lady who went to the Masters, Ron gets in trouble for flirting with the customers and one guy definitely dropped his monitor. We also caused some more meeting related confusion and lots more…