Macron Show Prank Calls

March 2023

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The Codeine Dojo

The Codeine Dojo Welcome to the Codeine Dojo! Where you get to fight people without feeling any pain. This week in the dojo sweet innocent Ron is forced to come face to face with a very angry airline passenger who couldn’t make up his mind which race he was angry at, a man who tried to scam a luxury 3 star hotel stay from an innocent airline, a heavily pregnant and very angry lady who managed to break her kid’s crib, a very very confused Ebay seller, a lady who finally perfected perpetual motion all thanks to Fedex, a man who’s parents went and messed up his electrics and Trainwreck helps us to translate a very angry French man. We also continued our top secret Zoom cloning experiments and took over some more large people meetings. There may also have been an honest to goodness celebrity on this show, and…

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Short Story Long International

Short Story Long International Welcome to another weird, wild and wacky Mondays With Macron. This show is now presented in English, French and Russian with a little Norwegian too, but we’re not sure which one. This time around get ready to meet a man bitching about his lousy credit rating, a very angry lady who’s husband could not assemble furniture, a lady who’s long lost son was using her credit card at Walmart, a doctor who’s wife sent his luggage to 4 different cities, a Frenchman who did not want to travel via Paris and Ron requests a pacifier for a man whilst he’s sitting on a plane. We also got some special incoming calls from men wanting an erotic massage, we cloned some more Zoom participants, got yelled at by Jeff and met an actual compulsive liar selling Paparazzi. And much more too! Thank you to all the people…

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Corporate Liaison Information Team

Corporate Liaison Information Team I hope you like the new official name for all of my corporate office affairs, I feel it’s very fitting. This week it’s all about the Karens as sweet gentle Ron comes up against a lady who does not want to pay for her suitcase to stay in the fancy downtown London Windsor Castle Hotel, an Amazon customer who totally does want to send her used shoes in for foot fetishists to purchase, a lady who can’t be bothered to be home when she’s expecting a package and that’s everyone’s problem, a lady who badly needs two refrigerators to hold the massive amount of food that she requires, a man who is whining about his lack of wine deliveries and a lady who we swear has a broken fridge and not a broken oven. And a whole lot more too. We also played a few tricks…

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Ron Nerdbanger

Ron Nerdbanger Well here we go again. This week we made it all about the complainers because we know that’s what you people really like. Get ready to dive in as Mr. Penise is forced to reckon with a man still claiming to have Covid all these years later, a lady who did not want to be charged triple for rescheduling her flight, a lady who could not be trusted to look after her own carry on bag, Ron says a genuine prayer for a man with leaky pipes, we meet a credit card customer who can not and will not follow any basic instructions, we meet a lady who faked her weight loss pictures with some very bad Photoshop skills and Scoby manages to get another free phone because one lady did not like to do paperwork. And so much more too. We also dropped by all of our…