Macron Show Prank Calls

December 2022

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Sir Whines A Lot Gets Boinked

Sir Whines A Lot Gets Boinked Well we’re back on the YouTube machines and crazier than ever. I did promise this would be a good show because Boxing Day is by far the biggest day for people complaining about stuff hands down. It just so happened that a certain airline also had to suddenly cancel 60% of it’s flights, which was a big help. Enjoy as Ron gets yelled at an abused to missed flights, Tyrone stealing someone’s guitar, one couple who really want to party it up in Mexico, a man who decided to order his Christmas gifts on December 23rd, we have to break the bad news to one lady that there will be no internet for the next months because gophers chewed through her cables and one man thinks I’m a scammer because I told him his girlfriend had to stand on her flight. And lots more…


It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Sh*tmas

It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Sh*tmas Yes once again this show isn’t available on YouTube. This time it’s not technical problems, just that Ron needed a well earned rest and time to take care of his family and stuff. We are really grateful for all the messages of love and concern from you guys but please do not worry as normal service is resuming and Ron will be back better than ever. This show was kindly hosted by Ronny live in our Discord server. Very special thanks to Ronny who has gone above and beyond to help keep things running on schedule for you guys, despite having a business to run and a family to look after. Ronny we can’t thank you enough you are a true legend. Also Mr. Blackman is still featured on this show on a couple of calls and I think you’ll agree that…


Karen Bitchman

Karen Bitchman You guys may be wondering what the hell happun to this show. Well let me explain. After starting things out as usual one of the routers in my setup decided it was no longer to let QOS packet scheduling work (in none nerd speak this means the dialler was buggered) so we tried to take a break to replace it with a backup router, which had decided to wipe out all of its own settings since it was last used and revert to an unknown IP address, meaning it took Ron about 2 hours total to restore things. By which time we’d given up trying to live stream smoothly on YouTube and everyone moved into the Discord for calls. That’s why this show is not on YouTube, and is nearly 6 hours long, and the audio is a complete mess as it is a mixture of Ron’s and…

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I Like Peacocks

I Like Peacocks These people made it super hard work this week, between all the wrong numbers and the people who just weren’t in the mood to argue sweet gentle Ron had to resort to singing just to keep everyone entertained. we did however manage to supply one man with a $10 Olive Garden gift certificate in return for just $24.99 in shipping, one man got mad that we wouldn’t pay for his hotel, one lady was extremely angry that Ronny drove his delivery truck on her garden, Ron spoke to a real life big celebrity, one man REALLY likes the service from Peacock, an Indian family manage to get free security services for 18 months thanks to the previous home owners and yet another couple doesn’t want us showing up at their house late at night with their missing delivery. We also showed up in some more Zoom meetings…