Macron Show Prank Calls

September 2022

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Vinny The Guinea

Vinny The Guinea Welcome to another show name that just happened to write itself. This week we tried to focus on some Zoom shenanigans so this show is much better watched on YouTube. We also had some very angry complainers too and this week sweet gentle Ron is subject to more abuse from a roided up gym owner, a furious phone customer, a lady who accidentally booked two flights and then managed to get them both cancelled, a lady who accuses us of making fake deliveries just because she was too busy taking a dump, a man who has serious trouble with his manscaping and then tries to hit on Carpel, a man who got cuckolded by his own car and lots more too! Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all the people that listened live on YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you very…

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I’m Gonna Find You I Know Who You Are

I’m Gonna Find You I Know Who You Are Welcome to another crazy show where once again the show name is in no way a statement of fact and is rather a quote from a very special complainer. This week sweet gentle Ron is forced to deal with a man and his unruly girlfriend and daughter causing mayhem in their rental car, a complainer who just couldn’t get to the point, a very angry electrical accessory buyer who made a full report to the BBB, Tyrone gets his hands on the latest iPhone 14, we meet an actual relative of the Canadian Prime Minister who has a faulty washer and one very special guy is not at all happy with his camera lights and decides to keep calling up and mouthing off about us. Oh and we also attended some very informative new Zoom meetings, and much more too! Thank…

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I Killed My Mother

I Killed My Mother Well here we are back in the UK and back up to our old shenanigans once again, it’s another weird and wacky Mondays With Macron with another silly show name! This week prepare yourselves to meet an actual Irish couple with airline problems, sweet gentle Ron is forced to kick a very belligerent man out of the airport, one man is very upset about his Fedex delivery, we meet a lady who cannot understand why her dog’s pee smells like pee, we argue with a “famous” rapper who keeps breaking his camera equipment, we attempt to roast a journalist who has now devoted her full time to claiming a $25 refund, one man really does not like the finders keepers policy with regards to lost property at our hotel, we meet yet another unhappy Tesla customer and Ron gets into a little dispute with a famous…

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I Don’t Care For Size 3 Boots

I Don’t Care For Size 3 Boots There’s another vicious rumour going around that today isn’t Monday. Well if that’s the case then how come there’s a new episode of Mondays With Macron? Well!? Okay then. On this week’s show I think we broke the world record for most bad numbers called. Seriously for the first like 45 minutes nobody at all answers, you could skip it except you’d miss all the awesome banter. After that we had to deal with a very angry Italian American pizza delivery driver who didn’t like Italian American Ron, a freeloader who didn’t want to pay his rent on time, a very confused customer who didn’t want to pay their early termination fee, a cheap ass who bought wicker furniture and then let his kid ruin it, a lady who was furious about her late sofa delivery, a lady who needed a man about…