Macron Show Prank Calls

May 2022

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Wanking In Memphis

Wanking In Memphis Let’s celebrate Ray’s birthday in style! I had such a nice normal show name lined up too, and then we went and talked to a lady who was ordering horse cum on the Internet, so that went out of the window. This week Ron kicks someone out of Disneyland for mouthing off, we deal with a man who thinks he can dictate to companies about what they can and cannot do, Ron gets into trouble for talking about wanking off horses, Ray embarrasses a pastor as his birthday treat, one lady complains that her house is filthy and she shouldn’t have to have her pizzas delivered there, one lady books tickets to a concert but can’t be expected to remember what date it’s on and we also manage to disrupt a few more silly Zoom meetings and conferences, and a whole lot more too. This show was…

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I Will Find You And I Will Kill You

I Will Find You And I Will Kill You Well we certainly had a whole heap of fun with this show, even if some of our complainers were not too happy with it. This week we have a lady who is very unhappy that her boyfriend installed a toilet cam in their new house, Ron gets death threats Liam Neeson style, we meet a couple who were too lazy to use the stairs at their storage company, Ron deals with a pervert, one guy can’t understand why his chronic alcoholism would affect his driver’s insurance, one lady expects a free hotel from her budget airline, and one guy develops a serious crush on Ron after being verbally abused. We also disrupted some Zoom meetings and got a lesson in swearing in Spanish from Trainwreck, and lots more too! Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all the people that…

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Callous And Cold Hearted

Callous And Cold Hearted Welcome to another weird and wonderful and slightly longer than usual MWM still live from Canada! Be sure to check the announcement about our meetup this weekend as it’s going to be awesome for you Canadian folks! This week we deal with a man who tried to claim reimbursement for a boojie hotel, we meet a lady who does not like people who don’t speak proper English, we get into an argument with a man who bought a cheap ass freezer, one lady gets banned from Facebook for her crazy sexual behaviour, one guy thinks he can show up to the airport any time he wants and the flight will just wait for him, one man is too drunk to remember signing for his boxes of wine and Ron, Carpel and TrainWreck get into some serious problems trying to plug their foreign TV into a motel…

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Canadian Bacon

Canadian Bacon Well Ron made it all the way to Canada! This show is brought to you by the new laptop machine that you guys helped us get with the Macronathon so we want to thank everyone again for making this happen. This is the first time we’ve attempted a show on the road so please forgive any technical issues, they will all get ironed out going forward. Expect supporter’s shows back to their regular schedule. This week most of the complainers really didn’t want to talk but we did manage to deal with a man who had to be banned from the sky forever, Tyrone gets himself a fancy new Japanese camera, one lady gets into a serious altercation with her delivery driver, one man gets banned from using EA services because of his behaviour and we accidentally disrupt a few more Zoom meetings, plus a whole lot of…