Macron Show Prank Calls

January 2022

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Tinea Cruris

Tinea Cruris If you want to know what this show name means you’re just going to have to Google it this time. On this weird and wacky show Ron comes face to face with a man who broke his bed due to too much self loving, one lady breaks her new fridge thinking it came full of food, Tyrone gets a brand new pair of jeans, one guy does not like our solution for fixing his tyre pressure light, one guy gets very upset about our newly updated AI Verify system, one lady refuses to accept our new plans for her flight schedule, sweet gentle Windsor finally gets an apology, we meet a lady who’s kid spent $400 on Roblox and we find a super gross new conference to talk to, and a whole lot more as well! Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all the people that…

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Engorged I love it when the shows just name themselves. Welcome to another insane Mondays With Macron. This week we have to deal with a man who gets very confused by all our robots, a man who lost his cake in the mail, a lady who has big problems with getting her new computer monitor from North Korea, a lady who bought tickets to a really lame music festival, and a travel agent who couldn’t decide what her client’s name was and got them put on the damn no fly list. We also managed to disrupt even more stupid conferences and there was another tragic shooting incident at the corporate office, and lots more stuff too, you’ll just have to go listen to it all! Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all the people that listened live on YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you…

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Slowbooks Well here we go again. A slightly shorter show on this alleged Blue Monday but I think we packed it even denser with the Internet’s best prank calls, just how you like it! This week Ron deals with an angry video game company employee that bought a fake designer purse, one man does not like being kept on hold with HP despite being a low budget customer, one ‘orrible lady is clearly trying to scam free Starbucks, we are forced to overcharge one man for his rental car due to his unruly kids, one former mayor has problems with her cable provider and her crappy car, we manage to break some kind of record for transferring someone to the wrong department and one man is too short and fat for his exercise bike and he does not like hearing about it and we somehow manage to disturb some more…

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The Dirty Burger Casting Couch

The Dirty Burger Casting Couch Welcome to another weird and wacky Mondays With Macron. Some very angry people around right now and we’re not sure why. Includes a lady who lost her couch in the mail and got very upset about Tyrone keeping it, we talk to a real life Phil Collins about his customer service issues, we meet a couple who’s kids were so annoying that their plane took off without them, one lady does not like being verified in order to get her hotel points, we meet a priest who bans Ray from coming to her house just for being a Satanist, one lady is furious that the contents of her luggage fell out of the plane, one man rages about having to feed his dogs people food and we manage to annoy and confuse a whole group of silly conferences, and so much more too! Thank you…