Macron Show Prank Calls

November 2021

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The 12 Karens Of Christmas

The 12 Karens Of Christmas Welcome to another wacky Mondays With Macron! Sorry the voicemails weren’t working this week, they actually all came in together right after the show and will be played on the next supporter’s show so look out for that. This week a real life Karen gets her Christmas decorations stolen by Tyrone, Ron manages to burst one man’s love sack, one guy can’t seem to find anything at Best Buy, another guy gets caught looking at porn in his car, one lady gets all upset about Ron taking a simple medical questionnaire for her, one special verified customer gets all upset about having to AIVerify himself, we manage to really annoy a famous movie star who will NEVER be buying those shoes again and we even manage to catch up with a certain crazy lady from the last PREMIUM show, and whole lot more too! Thank…

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Elmo Crudd In – Try Not To Scratch It

Elmo Crudd In – Try Not To Scratch It Another show that got way out of hand. That is all the co host’s fault and not at all to do with sweet gentle Ron who was only trying to help! Get ready for some sass this time around as we meet a foolish woman trying to fix her refrigerator all by herself, a lady who exceeded the weight limit to order takeout, a man who can’t stop getting scammed repeatedly, Dr Charles sets one man straight about what a good quality watch is, Jolo gets into a heated dispute with the mother of a sneaker buyer, Ron puts someone on the no fly list for being ginger, one special little man discovers the true value of cheap networking equipment and one guy can’t seem to get his bins emptied right. Plus a whole lot more, this show really got out…

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Gas Station Pizza

Gas Station Pizza Nothing like microwave fresh gas station pizza to start off your week! This week you should really watch on YouTube because as usual Ron is overexcited about the new Ghostbusters movie and is driving around in the Ghostbusters car. This week we deal with a lady who is upset about getting ghosted by her phone provider, a lady who lost her wedding ring in the mail, Ron gets into a very heated argument with a Dyson customer, one lady gets very upset and confused with Expedia, Jeff gets tricked into being a pizza delivery boy, one grown woman is traumatised from having to wait on the phone, Ron loses his temper with a PlayStation 5 scalper and a very special little guy threatens to come over and eat Ron’s heart, and w whole lot more craziness too! Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all the…

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Ron’s Horrid Birthday

Ron’s Horrid Birthday Full disclosure Ron’s birthday wasn’t actually Horrid, you will have to listen to the whole thing to find out why we named the show like this. Firstly we want to thank everyone for all the awesome birthday messages and support, we really appreciate it. CarpelTunnel is now back where she belongs in the studio with our new Carpel Cam. To celebrate we did what we do best here and handled the Internet’s best complaints of the week including another lady with a broken fridge, we get accused of all kinds of misbehaviour from a very angry airline passenger, we try to help a man with his Grey Thursday sale, one lady has a completely horrid experience with her home appliances, Ron gets into a terrible accident whilst helping a customer, one man gets his account hacked by an Uber driver, one guy buys his brother a really…