Macron Show Prank Calls

October 2021

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Sorry For My Apology

Sorry For My Apology Welcome to another crazy Mondays With Macron. We had some very sad news to report this week in that our little friend Kevin passed away recently. We will be doing some kind of tribute show for him in the near future so look out for that. Also special thanks to all the kind people that supported us with donations this week, we really appreciate it! This week we had a whole cast of wacky complainers and things got out of hand big time. This week we meet a lady who does not advise extended warranties, a man who was too cheap to buy an Apple Watch, a lady who did not like hearing her money being torn up, another verified social media user who couldn’t operate a website, a lady who lost her luggage, sweet gentle Ron gets screamed at by a very angry store customer,…

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The Horse Hoof Inspector

The Horse Hoof Inspector Well here we go again, another show that got way out of control. This week we get straight into it with an angry trucker who didn’t want to pay a late fee for being late, a man who insisted that everyone else apologise because he made a mistake, a man with a broken refrigerator who for some reason wanted it fixed, we meet a super famous Disney Plus customer, Tyrone gets some new batteries, several people get super upset about the AI Verify service, one man claims that sweet gentle Kathy crashed her car into him, we have to deal with some very unpleasant racism from an actual horse hoof inspector who I think we will be re-visiting on the supporter’s shows and we meet a man with a very silly last name who just isn’t happy with his bank. And lots more too! Thank you…

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Doooooo Doo Dodoolooloolooo

Doooooo Doo Dodoolooloolooo Welcome to another show that wrote it’s own name! This week get ready for some drama as sweet gentle Ron loses his temper with a corrupt journalist for writing a bad review of the new Ghostbusters movie, we all wish Jeff a very happy Canadian Thanksgiving, we deal with a banchode who gets caught looking at hard dicks, we deal with a lady who doesn’t want to pay her monthly cancellation fee, one man gets banned from Party City for being a cheapskate, we argue with a very aggressive Democrat and one man completely loses his mind after accusing us of playing video games during work time, and a whole lot more to boot! Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all the people that listened live on YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you very much and keep it locked to…

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Disrespective In this week’s regular Mondays With Macron get ready to meet some seriously crazy complainers including one man who made light of today’s tragic Facebook downtime, a lady who keeps getting emailed the wrong number, and extra extra large sports fan who couldn’t get her stuff delivered to the right trailer, a comic con attendee who was trying to scalp tickets, a man who who have to ban from Walmart for his terrible behaviour, a couple who don’t like us monitoring their home for them, a man who’s credit wasn’t good enough to have a Venmo account who got very upset about it all, a Wendy’s customer who stole gift cards from a church and a FedEx customer who had a lot to say about her missing swimming uniforms, and a whole lot more too! Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all the people that listened live…