Macron Show Prank Calls

January 2021

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Homemade Swamp Jerky

Homemade Swamp Jerky So I only found out that today was a holiday in the States and that might explain why basically nobody wanted to pick up for us today. Despite this setback we still managed to get quite a few very strange characters to pick up including the lady from the last Patreon show who just likes to scream, a lady who lost her cosmetics order to some guy called Tyrone, a lady who complained about getting an iPad instead of a Chromebook, for some reason, and then had her daughter call up to abuse us, a very angry father an son with a friend in prison for something terrible and for the first time ever Ron is literally left speechless by one man’s racist tirade (we’ll be checking in with him again later) and we get a brand new song from Jeff! If you watch the show on…

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Come And Get Your Love

Come And Get Your Love Finally the show names are calming down a little bit. In this show the complainers decide they mostly don’t want to pick up, but that doesn’t stop us from forcing many of them to do so anyway. We also have great fun with some of our favourite multi level marketing scam jewellery sellers. We also manage to start our own brand new soap opera, cheer up an old lady who just had surgery, meet man who’s phone is way too fancy for the likes of us, we schedule some goosings for the next Patreon show, Ron gets threatened by an unemployed man who is locked out of his bank account and we meet a fully grown man who cried to his wife about not getting birthday pancakes and many more. If you watch the show on YouTube please be sure to smash the new JOIN…

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Sluts Should Be Included With The Bed

Sluts Should Be Included With The Bed Welcome to 2021 people let’s start things with a bang! Lots of crazy complainers this time around including a really lame guy who would not stop calling about his pizza, a lady who ordered Outback Steakhouse for a new year’s dinner, a couple who had no business being at a theme park, a guy who bought two treadmills, Tyrone gets a new shirt, we chat to a friendly cop who won’t let us prank people, Carpel loses her shit with a very whiny complainer and Ron loses it when Mr. Anal demands some free sluts. Seriously. If you watch the show on YouTube please be sure to smash the new JOIN button that’s up there now! Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all the people that listened live on YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you very much…