Macron Show Prank Calls

March 2020

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Jolo Completely Fecks Everything Up – 03/30/20

Jolo Completely Fecks Everything Up – 03/30/20 So this show was supposed to feature an epic prank on our good buddy Jolo which we prepared for an entire day to show you guys, only it turned out in the entire 3 hours of the show he was literally just too dumb to even manage to get in front of a computer or even to open up YouTube. It was quite amazing, instead I just yelled at him for a good few minutes but it was still kinda funny. Despitefrom Jolo completely f*cking everything up, Restream getting a DDOS attack, YouTube not working right and the general Internet taking a big sh*t today we still managed to get in a whole bunch of crazy complainers, most of which for some reason didn’t want to donate their refunds to buy Playstation games for Africans with Coronavirus, but that’s another story… Don’t forget…

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Ron Fights Back – 03/23/20

Ron Fights Back – 03/23/20 Despite being actually diagnosed with the stupid Coronavirus and barely being able to speak Ron digs deep in order to slaughter a bunch of unsuspecting people. This week was a strange one because initially Ron was feeling too sick to do anything and wanted Ray and co to run things, but less than an hour in the control freak side came out and he just took right over again. This show was weird in some other ways too, we are living through some unprecedented times right now with this virus. Dr. Charles came back to the show to say hello and offer some free advice. Tim Dalton called into the show to talk about his experience with us, which was amazing. Ron verbally destroyed a woman who dared to question his voice, exposed some assholes price gauging during the panic and generally handed a whole…

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St Patrick’s Day In Quarantine – 03/17/20

St Patrick’s Day In Quarantine – 03/17/20 Welcome to a very special show that was literally planned at the last minute. It is St. Patrick’s day and all the pubs have been closed due to Coronavirus. We have therefore decided to open Virtual Pub and keep you entertained throughout this crisis as promised during our announcement yesterday. In this show we host the very first Macron Show Virtual Pub Quiz which was a great success. We also called a huge amount of complainers and got some awesome results and we all drank some creamy screamers and had great craic. I’m not gonna describe each of the calls you just need to listen to all of this very special show because it’s totally worth it! Don’t forget to get an extra 2 shows every week please subscribe to our Patreon! Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all the people…

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Everyone’s In Quarantine – 03/16/20

Everyone’s In Quarantine – 03/16/20 Hi everyone, firstly if you’re watching this show on the website the YouTube link is for part 1 of the show. We got attacked by hackers after talking about the Coronavirus and had to restart the stream, but the first part is important to see as it contains a very special announcement from Ron. The rest of the show got way, way out of hand. Ron, Ray, Ds, Carpel, Munch, Munsoned, JustDewit and Brent try to keep things under control whilst calling some really insane complainers. We have a lady who can’t decide if she wants us to talk fast or slow, a man who claims to own a patent on putting words on hats and ends up in the telephone court, we also deal with a whole big bunch of people who for some reason want to change their travel plans because of some…