Macron Show Prank Calls

February 2020

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Complaining About Complainers – 02/24/20

Complaining About Complainers – 02/24/20 So we’ve had a few complaints here at the corporate office that we haven’t been doing enough complainer calls lately, which is ironic. Just don’t come crying back to us when there’s a bunch of women peddling cheap Chinese jewellery all over the place. In this show Ron, Ray, Ds, Carpel, Brent, Munch, and JustDewit call a whole bunch of crazy and angry complainers just to satisfy your never ending thirst for blood. This time we charge a guy $69 just to change his phone number, we accuse a guy of hacking and cut off his phone service, we try to replace some lady’s broken robot vacuum and there is yet another tragic shooting at a call centre. We also disrupted the confs and managed to sneak in a couple of Facebook Live streams too. We also recorded a brand new song with Kevin so…

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Tig Ol’ President Bitties Day – 02/17/20

Tig Ol’ President Bitties Day – 02/17/20 Apparently it’s President’s Day. We didn’t find this out until after the show had started however please assume that that Ron, Ray, DS, Carpel, IGotMunsoned, Munch_Magash and Britney meant to do a special holiday show just for you guys! In this show we mostly completely disrupt and annoy really stupid people selling cheap tacky jewellery on Facebook Live and get some great results. We also ruin some conferences, catch up with life in the Manhole and get repeatedly threatened for putting the listeners on hold, and so much more. Don’t forget to get an extra 2 shows every week please subscribe to our Patreon! Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all the people that listened live on YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you very much and keep it locked to where Macron will be hopefully gaming…

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Ron In Quarantine – 02/10/20

Ron In Quarantine – 02/10/20 After contracting a mysterious virus Ron is taken away to an undisclosed location by some shady government men and locked up in quarantine. Despite this minor setback we did try to make a regular show go ahead but it ended up being disrupted by weird nurses in hazmat suits and some kind of zombie apocalypse. We did still manage to get some good complainer calls in and disrupted more than a few conferences. Hopefully everything will be back to normal by next week, but you never know with this show. Don’t forget to get an extra 2 shows every week please subscribe to our Patreon! Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all the people that listened live on YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you very much and keep it locked to where Macron will be…. brains……

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Drax Vs The 49ers – 02/03/20

Drax Vs The 49ers – 02/03/20 Another one of those shows that really got out of control for some reason. In this episode Ron, Ray, DS, Carpel, IGotMunsoned and DownSouth take on a bunch of complainers, including one guy who sure would make a great voice actor in something! We also shut off some more services for ungrateful phone customers, give out some fantastic advice about managing your online account, sort out some good delivery issues and much more. We also completely disrupt some conferences, freak out some Facebook Live people, make sweet beautiful music with Kevin and we get a very exclusive interview with Jeff’s Mom (who was lovely). Don’t forget to get an extra 2 shows every week please subscribe to our Patreon! Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all the people that listened live on YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you…