Complaining About Complainers – 02/24/20
Complaining About Complainers – 02/24/20 So we’ve had a few complaints here at the corporate office that we haven’t been doing enough complainer calls lately, which is ironic. Just don’t come crying back to us when there’s a bunch of women peddling cheap Chinese jewellery all over the place. In this show Ron, Ray, Ds, Carpel, Brent, Munch, and JustDewit call a whole bunch of crazy and angry complainers just to satisfy your never ending thirst for blood. This time we charge a guy $69 just to change his phone number, we accuse a guy of hacking and cut off his phone service, we try to replace some lady’s broken robot vacuum and there is yet another tragic shooting at a call centre. We also disrupted the confs and managed to sneak in a couple of Facebook Live streams too. We also recorded a brand new song with Kevin so…