Macron Show Prank Calls

January 2020

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What A Wonderful Wank – 01/27/20

What A Wonderful Wank – 01/27/20 This show features Ron, Ray, DS, Carpel, Brent and for the first time ever on a live show IGotMunsoned. This is yet another show that really got out of control in places. We got yelled at by a lady who did not want to be charged for service from Microsoft, we made a guy sing for $20,000, we disconnected some ungrateful people’s phone services, Ron calls into a radio show to talk about the host’s moustache and we get Kevin to perform a brand new song for us live (whilst jerking off). We also get the latest on the Phil / Jeff sagas and Ray takes over the Manhole! Don’t forget to get an extra 2 shows every week please subscribe to our Patreon! Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all the people that listened live on YouTube and everyone checking out…

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The Teddy Bear’s Picnic – 01/20/20

The Teddy Bear’s Picnic – 01/20/20 God help you if you know where we got the name of this show from. This one features Ron, Ray, DS, Carpel and Brent, and also Kevin. This time around we make sweet music with Kevin (as Ray jerks him off) and we also get Phil to appear on a rap song. We spoke to a very angry man who couldn’t understand why everyone kept falling asleep on him, we disconnect some very ungrateful people’s services, we call a bunch of psychics and try to get help with the plots of various movies chosen by the people in chat and a very kind conference moderator agrees to let Ron run things! This show was loads of fun to make and we have lots more coming up for you guys! Don’t forget to get an extra 2 shows every week please subscribe to our Patreon!…


The Shady Kevin EP

The Shady Kevin EP As a special little bonus gift for all our fans I’d like to present to you The Shady Kevin EP. A 5 track mini album created by me and performed by none other than Kevin (from The Manhole!) Please enjoy! Don’t ask me what I had to do to get Kevin to perform these songs for me, just enjoy this special extra gift everyone! Download the EP for free: 01) Hard Cock Life 02) Kevin Let The Dogs Out 03) Kevlins 04) MaryKevin 05) Kev And Let Die

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A Bunch Of Malarkey – 01/13/20

A Bunch Of Malarkey – 01/13/20 I have to apologise in advance that during this show poor sweet gentle Ron, Ray, DS, Carpel, Brent and JustDewit and subjected to repeated and horrific racism, sexism, homophobia and general abuse. For some reason the complainers were all fired up today including a very confused Ebay customer who was trying to sell nazi stuff, a woman who’s racist comments got her daughter’s phone disconnected and a really angry man who was trying to promote his racist cartoon. There were many more but these were some of the standouts from this show. We also disrupted some conferences, called some psychics who didn’t see it coming when we talked to them about the plots of movies, and we checked back in with a few of the angry lunatics from the recent Patreon shows. Another great show, sorry it had to be split into two parts…