Macron Show Prank Calls


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Paula Hole’s Bag of Genuine Super-Real 1000% Authentic Syphilis

Paula Hole’s Bag of Genuine Super-Real 1000% Authentic Syphilis This is what happens when we let Munch name the show. Welcome to the last Mondays With Macron of 2020, and thank goodness. This show is full of surprises including an almost full Carpel face reveal, make sure you’re on Patreon to see the whole thing. To see out this god awful year we deal with a lady who for some reason did not want to be repeatedly charged for talking to us, a man with a defective blower, a lady who could just never shut up, a woman who simply did not wish to pay for shipping, a social media user goes crazy on a plane and munch manages to cure someone of Lupus simply by being rude to them, and a whole lot more! If you watch the show on YouTube please be sure to smash the new JOIN…

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Gary Christmas Ya Filthy Animals

Gary Christmas Ya Filthy Animals No we didn’t spell the show name wrong you have to listen to the whole thing to understand this week’s bad pun. In this run up to Christmas show we meet a lady who ordered the wrong shoes and refuses to stuff them with newspaper, there is a terrible incident involving a failed game show, Tyrone gets a new bread bin, one lady mysteriously gets a strange goose on her computer, a lady complains that she ordered Christmas cards and then they arrived and another lady is completely shocked after purchasing food from a man walking around with a cooler that it was not premium quality, and many many more strange and wonderful and stupid complaints. If you watch the show on YouTube please be sure to smash the new JOIN button that’s up there now! Thank you as always to our kind supporters, all…

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President Truman’s Test Tube Babies

President Truman’s Test Tube Babies Welcome to another 4 hours of the best prank calls around! This time we had quite the cast of characters including an old man who we tried to convince was an alien test tube baby, Ron helps a guy figure out how to use his masturbation machine and then he REALLY wants a refund for some reason, we try and fail to goose several very sceptical people, Tyrone gets a new trash can but doesn’t get to speak to the lady because Ron goes off on her, one guy really doesn’t want to pay the Coronavirus tax Ron completely divides the chat with his opinions on kids travelling on planes and we meet a man who for some reason doesn’t want to pay $3000 for new brakes, but he’s clearly not a mechanic, and lots lots more. If you watch the show on YouTube please…

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The Mayor Gets Dick Warts From Mrs. Butt’s Box

The Mayor Gets Dick Warts From Mrs. Butt’s Box Once again this whole thing of naming shows after people with silly names is really getting away from us. But what do you expect from a show with a Mrs. Butt, a Mrs. Clim and a Dick Warts? We decided to start this show a little later than usual and it kinda worked out because we got way more pickups during the early part than we did before, but I think the best calls are still towards the end of the show. This time we meet an actual town mayor who took a young boy to a dark parking lot for some red hot meat, some doctor tries to force the Corona vaccine onto sweet gentle Ray, Tyrone ruins someone’s credit rating, an old lady wants Ron’s hard, smooth 9 inches in her mouth every single morning and someone gets accidentally…