Macron Show Prank Calls

April 2018


Better Late Than Leper – 04/27/18

Better Late Than Leper – 04/27/18 Sorry for the extreme lateness of this upload from last Friday but Macron has been super sick for the past week and not even able to use a computer. Starting to feel better now though. This show features Macron and Chumley taking on the world of complainers including a leper in a motel room, a tantrum in the ER and a lengthy discussion about missing channels on TWC amongst many great calls. Great pickup rate on this show and lots of fun was had. Now that Macron is just about better we can hopefully get on with more shows and replying to all my messages etc… very soon, so sorry to anyone that’s waiting to hear back about anything I am more or less back to business now. Stay tuned for more Macron antics very soon…


Cats In Clothes And Other Dirty Complainers On 420 – 04/20/18

Cats In Clothes And Other Dirty Complainers On 420 – 04/20/18 Happy 420 Macron fans! This show features Macron and Chumley taking on a barrage of enraged complainers, and boy were some of them enraged! This time we had a lady trying to put clothes on her cats before sending them back to North Korea, a furious couple who refused to clean their own hotel room, a drug addled maniac who robbed a garage for a points card, some cigarettes and a pickle and yet another darn Canadian who just refused to get angry at all, plus many many other great calls. We also caused chaos on a conference call with some surprising results and generally had a great deal of fun as usual. Thank you to everyone that donated, listened live or is listening on the site or the podcast. We appreciate and love each and every one of…


AC Chicken And Plenty Of Fish – 04/15/18

AC Chicken And Plenty Of Fish – 04/15/18 This show features Macron, Chumley and InkedGoddess handling the serious business of all the world’s complaints. Great pickup rate in this show, suddenly everyone seemed to want to talk to us. We had hotel rooms with fried chicken in the air conditioning, a Plenty Of Fish dating site scammer from Guam, a mother and daughter team caught red handed trying to change the price tags on items in a hobby store and some seriously angry car owners. Lot’s of successful classic hold tricks and some excellent supervising going on from everyone, this show was a blast. As always thank you to the kind people who donated to the cause to keep things going, everyone that listened live and joined in the fun and all of you listening on the podcast, we love you all and we’ll be back once again later in…


Chumley’s Birthday Blowout – 04/12/18

Chumley’s Birthday Blowout – 04/12/18 Happy Birthday Chumley! This show features Chumley (obviously!) as well as Macron, InkedGoddess and a little dash of Dr. Charles as we celebrate the one and only Chumley’s birthday in style. We called a whole bunch of crazy complainers with some great results, from people wanting free money for their bad fried chicken to some woman spending $6000 on air conditioning and many many more. We also hijacked some more conferences who, despite our best efforts, still don’t seem to want to let us join in. We also had a great deal of fun together as always, for some reason everyone now seems to enjoy pretending my fancy new audio setup isn’t working properly just to mess with me. This is gonna end up in a boy who cried wolf scenario where when it really happens I won’t believe you, so I’d appreciate if you…