Macron Show Prank Calls

April 2016


The Macron Show – Trouble At The Bridge Club – 04/30/16

The Macron Show – Trouble At The Bridge Club – 04/30/16 In this show we decided to call back some members of the infamous bridge club we have been calling for the past couple of weeks, since they decided to remove their online roster due to “fraudulent phone calls” and my buddy Asthma had the foresight  to grab all their numbers first. Joined by Asthma himself as well as Mr. Llama we had great fun calling them all back and messing with them some more. At one point we even managed to disrupt some bridge games in progress and got yelled at by the club manager several times. Don’t miss the now infamous burger and hotdog funny name calls, I don’t remember laughing so much during a show for some time. We also managed to throw in a few classic complainer calls too. This was a fantastic show and some…


The Macron Show – 04/23/16

The Macron Show – 04/23/16 Another crazy Macron Show for your listening pleasure. Guests were Dr. Charles, Llama, Asthma, Oliver Prime, Devon, Dr. Punchy, Mr. Good and Elky. In this show we called a bunch of members of a bridge club and accused them of various misdemeanours and got some great reactions. We had some fun at the Waffle House and then made sure some Planet Fitness Lunk alarms were working okay. Many thanks to all involved this show was a lot of fun and Macron will be back very soon with more!

The Macron Show Animated Series Episode 2


The Macron Show – 04/08/16

The Macron Show – 04/08/16 Welcome to the all new This is the first show featured on the new website. Tonight I was joined by Dr Charles (and his dad!) Llama, Miss Morgan, Den Mom, Elky, JagTV, Asthma, Dr. Punchy, Lunchlady, Bitch Jones, Zax and possibly more but it’s getting hard to keep up with you all so sorry if I forgot anyone! We did some classic Craigslist calls, caused mayhem at some hotels and almost got scammed by a meth head and we also placed a fake ad for a room to rent and did some incoming calls, some with very interesting results. Thank you to all that helped and listened live and if you like what you hear please show your support and become a Macron Patreon!