Macron Show Prank Calls

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Shazam! Here we go again. The Super Bowl antics might be over for another year but Ron has the freshest and the whiniest complainers around such as lady with some serious Internet issues, a man who really wanted to speak to a human being, we try our very best to help out a confused grocery deliverer, one man got really mad that his delivery driver kept his new phone, one man gets seriously aggressive with his new fridge, one man has a terrible time with the tires on his rental car, one lady really messes up her grocery delivery and we cause complete mayhem for some conferences, and a whole lot more too! Thank you to all the people that listened live on YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you very much and keep it locked to where Ron will be doing more supporter’s shows!

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Racism Is Back?

Racism Is Back? Well it’s happening. The world is going to hell in a handbasket and you people want controversy like the old days. Well okay here we go. This show contains scenes of a sensitive nature due mostly to the racial abuse hurled at us by some of the complainers today which included a man who got mad just because his package went to the wrong house, one man loses it just because he has a girls name, one man complains about an illiterate delivery driver, Ron tries to locate 29 missing packages at once, a mega Karen loses her package, one man gets all abusive because of his missing blanket, one man recounts tales of his days on the streets of Mexico and one man has a terrible time when his flight is accidentally cancelled. And much more too! Thank you to all the people that listened live…

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Namby-Pamby Welcome to another weird and wacky installment of Mondays With Macron. This week we’re definitely loosing all our advertising revenue because things really went off. We had to deal with a lady with a broken suitcase, we make an appointment to save a big phone account, one lady has a hot phone, one man is a super whiny crybaby about his leg room, Ron gets into an epic argument over a fat person who ate an arm rest, one lady thinks she got over-charged but didn’t, one man is really waiting for his big refund, we deal with a bunch of grown adults crying about not getting a dolly and one over-active chicken eater goes nuclear on us. And lots more too! Thank you to all the people that listened live on YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you very much and keep it locked to…

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You Did This

You Did This It’s Blue Monday apparently but there’s no reason not to smile around here. It’s Big Cardinal O’Flannagan’s birthday show! Obviously we’re serving up the Internet’s best Karens again this week including a lady complaining about the weather making her packages late, a super nerd who can’t get his Mountain Dew delivered quickly enough, Ron gets an incoming call from a heavy smoker, one man is caught whining about his late packages, one man gets very angry about his package being rescheduled, one lady must get her new cat litter tray or all hell is going to break loose, one man gets banned from a dating app for trying to be a sugar daddy, one man’s wife has been buying some very naughty tickets and Scoby does battle with an awful couple who smashed up his house and gives birth to a brand new character, and so much…